Whole Foods, Plant-Based all over again

This video is a brilliant summary of Dr. Colin Campbell’s Whole Foods, Plant-Based nutrition.

  • 80% of calories from complex carbs
  • 10% of calories from naturally occurring oils and fats (beans, avocado, etc.)
  • 10% of calories from plant-based proteins ( Spinach yields 51% of calories from protein, potatoes or rice provide 11% of calories from protein)
  • No SOS (added Sugar, OIl, Salt)
  • B12 needs to be supplemented, and maybe D3, if not enough from the sun, Omega 3 (EPA/DHA – algae-based supplement, or flaxseed, chiaseed, walnuts).
  • The colors of the rainbow in plant-based foods.
  • Organic as much as you can.

We might also be reminded that Dr. Campbell recently did a video with Dr. Alan Goldhamer, and that a waterfasting regime, including possibly a longer term (one week or more) medically supervised water fast, can be a very helpful transitional step towards a whole foods, plant-based diet. I also hasten to point out that recently also Dr. Paul Marik acknowledged that autophagy is the best tool for getting the body rid of the spike protein, as well as nattokinase. This is important for people who have vaccine injuries from the recent mRNA shots. A simple regime of intermittent fasting and occasional 3-day water fasts, go a long way towards keeping yourself healthy.

Especially after the vaccination campaign, transitioning to a low inflammation diet is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself.