I support the Bronx #not 62 campaign, but I do think we should make it the Bronx #1 campaign, for we have the most parks in the city already, and the rest is attitude, practice and perseverance. We are working on the launch of the BronxOneHealth(TM) initiative for cardiometabolic health.
Monthly #WFPB Cooking Class at St. Helena
My monthly cooking class in St. Helena’s School Cafeteria has been suspended since the Covid Lockdowns, but I am hoping to bring it back in some form. Right now a team is forming from people who used to come, and some new people as well. The core St. Helena’s #WFPB team will have certain educational requirements, mostly one of the following:
- Completion of at least One Jumpstart (or Reto Salud) from Plant Powered Metro New York, or a PCRM Kickstart, and at least a weak of daily 4-leaf survey reports on yourself for review. Please use the printed reports from the 4 leaf program site for yourself, complete your ratings daily and sign and date them.
- For Spanish speakers, we now offer the Sistema TEN from Dra. Adriana Cortés in Colombia, which will be adequate preparation also. (Be sure to use the discount code)
- The Certificate Course from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritionstudies, in English, or Spanish.
- Self study with various books, documentaries, etc. in mutual consultation and combined with one month of personal 4-leaf survey data.
- A PCRM Food for Life certification.
Public Meals
We are working with Neerob Restaurant to bring back our monthly meals, and we will combine them with videos, mostly from SHARAN, India, and Dr. Nandita Shah, as we will also be studying her book on Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days. Details to be announced, but the intention is to make this a one year membership for $50, which will include the book and the first meal, and after that you can RSVP for the meals. The price for non-members will be higher.
Other Events
In 2018, we held our first “Dinner for Doctors” at Neerob Restaurant. We intend now to change the format to a Lifestyle Medicine dinner, open to all, both healthcare professionals, and general public and they will include either a speaker or a movie screening. The purpose will be to have a local support group.

Useful links
- I have abandoned Facebook and Nextdoor, due to censorship, but you can find me on MeWe.
- My Local Plant-based Blog: Starling Avenue Plant-Based Living.
Plant-Based DaBronx.
You can find our events on the site for Plant Powered Metro NY. My blog (see link above) is focused on resources for the plant-based lifestyle in our neighborhood, which I call the Starling Avenue Triangle, since we have a triangle of three major supermarkets, Chang-li, Key foods, and Pioneer, and through the middle of it runs Starling Avenue which has a plethora of Bangladeshi food stores, and restaurants, including Neerob, where our activities in the neighborhood are centered. Periodically I conduct shopping tours for people who want to avail themselves of the rich shopping resources in this neighborhood.

One of our original monthly suppers, with Fr. David Powers, who has now been recalled to Kentucky.