How to Start #WFPB Living

It is all much simpler than people make it out to be. First and foremost, you need to understand that this is about nutrition, not so much diet, as I argued in my last post. So as long as you stick to the basics of eating just whole foods, plant-based, without added sugar, oil, or salt, you cannot go wrong, and for the most part the only supplement you really need is B12 vitamin, and most of the rest can be found naturally.

I have set up a basic bibliography on plant-based nutrition. In terms of getting started, there is an answer for everyone, depending on where you are coming from, and you can be plain or fancy, as you wish. The basic strategy is to keep it simple, and have a simple repeatable strategy for breakfast and lunch, and do something more elaborate for dinner, and even there, you make life manageable by working ahead establishing certain patterns. I do suggest you do some thorough revamping of your larder, and as to kitchen gear, I have a list for my favorites. It pays to make life easy. For the rest, you can totally go it alone, just using recipes you find online, or you can use one of many “quick start” tools to support you. The four leaf survey is one of the easiest tools to keep yourself on track in terms of gradual improvements.

There are also endless articles and youtube videos about how to do everything in #WFPB cooking, and here is a great intro article by Anne Crile Esselstyn.

Support Options for starting a #WFPB lifestyle

  • The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies offers a free support tool, 7 Days to Better Health.
  • The Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine offers a #WFPB support program, also free, called the 21-day Vegan kickstart. Never mind the word vegan, they mean #WFPB.
  • The Four Leaf Survey is a great support tool.
  • You can try the Forks over Knives meal planner for free for 2 weeks.
  • Engine2 offers a meal planner as well.

These are just some of the basic choices. There are courses and workshops, You can get as fancy as you like, or you can keep it fairly basic.