Cardiometabolic Wellness Parkchester

BxOneHealthTM is an initiative for collaboratively creating superior cardiac wellness with better information and testing for preventive care and lifestyle change in the Parkchester area. We will feature an innovative test, the Premier Heart’s Multifunction CardioGramTM, aka MCG.

The MCG is now gaining international adoption as a replacement for the 120-year old EKG, as it offers a more comprehensive test, based on analyzing the mitochondrial activity of the body, which is the primary cellular energy system. It is a simple, non-invasive test using just two leads, and taking about 10 minutes,laying down, as it performs five consecutive 82-second observation periods and then produces a detailed report of the findings. Accuracy ranges from 89-100%, compared to legacy tests that are sometimes invasive (angiogram), far less accurate (10-40%), hence the routine use of multiple tests.

Our community is heavily Bangladeshi, and we know from the medical statistics that the average age of the first heart attack tends to be 43 years, compared to 63 years in the general population. This 20-year handicap is understood as a result of genetics – generally smaller diameter blood vessels. It has long since been established, among others by Our Health Study, that this disadvantage can be largely eliminated with Whole Foods, Plant-Based nutrition, and the Bangladeshi cuisine offers rich opportunities to achieve a healthy #WFPB diet and lifestyle. In other words, there is a genetic vulnerability, but lifestyle makes all the difference. For people with a SE Asian palate, we recommend Dr. Nandita Shah’s book Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days, and we note that it is all one continuum of chronic illness, first obesity, then diabetes, then Coronary Artery disease, and this very anti-inflammatory regime is easy to follow.

We are collaborating with Neerob Restaurant, St. Helena’s Church, Plant Powered Metro New York, Permier Heart, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and ChefsRhere, and area medical practices to establish a network of cardiometabolic excellence and disease prevention and reversal for mostly South East Asian palates, with some occasional creative mixing in of other cuisines. The work flows from our years of cooking classes in the school cafeteria at St. Helena´s and six years of regular plant-based dinners at Neerob Restaurant, as well as numerous “Dinners for Doctors” which frequently attracted 40+ people. See under Upcoming events on our site. See also some of our articles on this site and elsewhere: