External Enemies at all Costs

We’ ve seen the enemy and it is us’n.

Pogo, by Walt Kelly

A brother separated from yourself, an ancient enemy, a murderer who stalks you in the night and plots your death, yet plans that it be lingering and slow; of this you dream. ²Yet underneath this dream is yet another, in which you become the murderer, the secret enemy, the scavenger and the destroyer of your brother and the world alike. ³Here is the cause of suffering, the space between your little dreams and your reality. ⁴The little gap you do not even see, the birthplace of illusions and of fear, the time of terror and of ancient hate, the instant of disaster, all are here. ⁵Here is the cause of unreality. ⁶And it is here that it will be undone.

(ACIM, T-27.VII.12:1-6)

At the risk of saying the same thing twice, with different words, for good measure, it might be worth watching this video:

A Course in Miracles on the ego’s secret dream.

The fundamental psychological tenet of ACIM is that we (our mind) chose separation, i.e. and individual identity separate from our Source, (aka God), and that part of that condition involves the idea that we do not want to own that choice, so we come up with a story that God threw us out of paradise, by way of a rationalization of our choice fore a separate individuality. Upon making the choice for separation, we see everyone and everything as separate and independent entitities/individuals. The most basic emotion is fear, and the defense mechanism in this condition of a separate identity is projection, for again, we do not want to own the responsibility for our act, so we are always seeking for an external cause.

The Medical Dimension of Projection

The materialist and reductionist paradigm in medicine is the foundation of our modern allopathic medical-industrial complex, where the marketing and profitability of drugs depend on suppressing symptoms effectively. The germ theory of disease forsters playing whack-a-mole with symptoms, which is endlessly profitable, and leads to the kind of uncontrolled, spiraling healthcare inflation we experience. The pharmaceutical industry through its editorial influence on the Physicians Desk Reference, is instrumental in creating the inflationary spiral of symptomatology, which then feeds into the cycle of drug development. Symptom suppression provides the illusion of cure, while in reality the failure to address the cause at any level is allowing the disease to proliferate and become chronic, and symptoms multiply, feeding further cycles of pharmaceutical development. Fully 86% of our healthcare spending goes (pre-Covid) towards the treatment (mostly ¨management¨) of chronic illness.

Prior to the would-be Covid pandemic, there was a tendency for lifestyle medicine to consider itself mostly concerned with the prevention and reversal of chronic illness, which is obviously huge. It is better for patients and doctors both to see and experience that e.g. type 2 diabetes is eminently preventable with nutrition and lifestyle, hence the explosive growth of this field. The underlying shift is towards the model of metaphysical idealism proposed by Bernardo Kastrup, along with practical clinical insights from lifestyle medicine and homeopathy. The germ theory wants to see the enemy outside, but terrain theory shifts the focus towards taking responsibility for your defenses being down and what you can do about that.

I include two videos that make the point very strongly, on why it is that the Covid pandemic has re-awakened the interest in the terrain theory of disease. The death statistics show overwelmingly that the people who die from Covid in by far the most cases have multiple comorbidities that are all the chronic conditions that are typically addressed by lifestyle medicine. The first explanation is by Dr. Samantha Bailey from New Zealand, who is a co-author of the book Virus Mania, and she explains her own rediscovery of terrain theory because the predominant approach to SARS CoV-2 and Covid-19 made no sense to her – obviously we have a comorbidity problem more than a virus problem:

Dr. Sam Bailey explains the basics of Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

Homeopathy has always been focused on the idea of promoting our natural health, and it naturally aligns more with terrain theory than with germ theory. In short, bacterial and viral diseases are considered opportunistic, and the result of depressed immune systems and that is where our attention should be to create health. Here is an explanation:

Terrain Theory and the Homeopathic Perspective

In short, main stream medicine is aligned with germ theory because in turn that places the focus on a weapon to knock out the cause of the disease, namely pharmaceuticals or vaccines, and all of that goes back to the pact with the devil that the AMA made with the pharmaceutical industry, under the auspices of the Rockefeller medical reforms, to raise doctor´s incomes and keep women, blacks and poor people out of the medical profession. The whole logic of ¨bllockbuster drugs¨ goes back to this and it never seems to occur to anybody that the most that is ever being accomplished is displacing the problem. Allopathic medicine literally moves the deckchairs on the Titanic, nothing else. It is immensely profitable for investors, as long as they keep believing in the paradigm of the germ theory of disease, however, a careful examination of the facts does not support it, and Covid-deaths are a huge tipoff.

Observational Bias and Compulsion

The old story of the drunk searching for his keys by the street light is famous in various forms. Apparently it goes back to Mulla Nasruddin. It is the story of observational bias. The drunk is looking for his keys under the street light because there is light, not because he lost his keys there, and the (sober!) policeman inconveniently confronts him with his illogic. Besides pure observational bias, since terrain theory seems to offer a complexity of causes, it seems harder to fathom than germ theory, but still germ theory of disease and the allopathic model of medicine boil down to shooting the messenger, or dressing up the slaves for sale with shea butter – good for appearances only. Terrain theory on the other hand focuses on the cause within: why is my immune system down? We are very resistant to this. We do not want to be responsible for anything, and it is much more convenient if all my misery is somebody or something else´s fault. Hence germ theory is simply more attractive.

Allopathic medicine is so popular because it enables this type of immature thinking. Not only am I not responsible for my health condition, but it is now the doctor´s fault if his medicine does not cure me. We want to destroy our immune system and eat at McDonalds, and get an anti-missile defense to shoot down the virus out of the air before it gets to us.

Unifying Theory of Disease

Dr. Dean Ornish provides the exact opposite to this in his research where he basically comes back to what he calls a unifying theory of disease, namely seeing a common cause in nutrition and lifestyle for the whole range of chronic diseases that are now the predominant cause of death in the developed world. This complements the work of Dr. T. Colin Campbell on Whole Foods, PLant-Basednutritioin , starting with The China Study and culminating in his recent book The Future of Nutrition. In short, in a different way than just on the basis of terrain theory, Ornish´s concept has us return to the cause within ourself. This is both empowering and terrifying, empowering because it now puts me in a position to make changes that can help my condition, terrifying because nobody likes responsibility.

External enemies are easier to fight, or so it seems. The shift that is now going on within medicine makes it increasingly clear with each passing day that the old allopathic model is broken. Allopathic medicine is scientifically, morally, ethically, medically, economically and financially broke, and society as a whole cannot afford its uncontrollable inflation. Investors are complaining that pharmaceutical companies are not earning more than their cost of capital on new drug development, but nobody is looking at the reasons why. We seem to be at a point where we have to break the mold.

The Mental Health Aspect

This interview with Eckhart Tolle is a very helpful avenue to seeing the issues on a psychological and spiritual level, which is crucial. We are in a mass-psychosis at this point, all centered around fighting this enemy, which is no worse than the seasonal flu, and makes little real difference, because it has largely pre-empted the seasonal flu.

It is clear that we have collectively become obsessed with an outside enemy, when medically, with an IFR of 0.15%, but with the median death at or above the average life expectancy in most countries, this is hardly more concerning than the seasonal flu. Somehow China convinced us, on purpose or otherwise, that it was a good ideal to quarantine the healthy, when instead we should have sent them outside to get more vitamin D from the sun, and to exercise, live healthy and so on. The sick should stay home in bed. If everyone focused on living healthy themselves, and protected the most vulnerable, this crisis would have been insignificant. But mass psychosis is a powerful thing and it helps to realize that the whole thing is simply driven by the psychological need is to see the enemy outside, so I should not be responsible for the shape I am in. These kinds of mass psychoses have led to the mass murders of Stalin, Mao and Hitler, to the genocides in Ruanda, and Kosovo, and Cambodia, as well as the witch trials in Salem. We are playing with fire.